Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Jesus, Celebrity Endorser

According to a web posting by Deidre Woollard, a winery in Israel has enlisted Jesus as a spokesman. His picture is on the label. “The Grapes of Galilee is a new Israeli wine label aimed at American Christians. The grapes are grown in the region where Jesus Christ is said to have lived, and they are irrigated with water from the Jordan River, where he was baptized.” What a great idea! After all, Jesus’ reputation as a winemaker is next to none. Reports are that his wine exceeds in quality most standard offerings.

Of course, this isn’t the first time Jesus has been enlisted as celebrity endorser. In Jesus’ name, Crusaders invaded the Middle East and sacked Moslem villages, often with genocidal intent. In Jesus’ name King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella tortured and ethnically cleansed Spain’s Jews, Protestants, Moslems and anyone else they felt didn’t toe the mark. Christian Reformers Zwingli and John Calvin both had people executed on behalf of Jesus. Calvin liked to have them burned at the stake with green wood so the slow burning fire would torture them longer. Jesus’ endorsement was claimed by both sides in the American Civil War. Jesus endorsed the construction of the now defunct City of Faith with 60 foot praying hands out front by telling Oral Roberts he would die if he didn’t raise 12 million dollars. And throughout history Jesus has been put forward as the spokesperson for every new denomination and sect. Jesus even endorsed George Bush, some have claimed.

There is, however, a big difference between his Grapes of Galilee endorsement and these others I’ve just mentioned. Grapes of Galilee is a wine. The beverage of choice in these other matters was Kool Aid.

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