Monday, November 24, 2008


In the days preceding the election, I found myself in conversation with some folks who were nearing the point of panic at the prospect that the evil empire was predicted to win the White House. A couple of guys from a southern state spoke of how their church held an all night prayer meeting to invoke the mercy of God on America so that McCain would carry the election. Another guy from a western state claimed God had told him that he should fast for several days so victory could be seized from the clutches of the "enemy."

The question I posed in both of these conversations was, "Do you expect that the outcome of the election will be God's answer to your prayer?" In both cases the answer was, "yes." One even cited the passage from Romans 13 that seems to suggest that political polls mean nothing, it is God who ultimately appoints governing authorities to carry out his purposes. That begged a follow up question which I offered. "So, if Barack Obama, is the winner you believe God's will is being done?"

The guy who had fasted stuttered and muttered for a moment and then said, "I believe the election of Obama will mean that God has turned his back on America."

So there you have it folks. All the evidence of God's "blessing" on America that the outgoing administration is leaving in its wake is going to be removed and replaced with judgment. I wonder if I'll notice the difference?