Once again New Orleans and the gulf coast have been hit by a major hurricane. My heart goes out to all whose lives and property are threatened by the storm.
A recurring theme in the news coverage is the comparison drawn between FEMA's response this time and it's pathetic response after Katrina 3 years ago. Early indications are that the Federal Emergency Management Administration may have learned a thing or two. We certainly hope so.
I wonder if there will be similar comparisons made by those who subscribe to the notion that such natural disasters are orchestrated by God in response to sin and wickedness. Perhaps you will recall the rhetoric of judgment upon New Orleans' sinful legacy that was offered up by the late Jerry Falwell and numerous others after Katrina. Many in the ranks of the religious fundamentalists agreed with him and were cheering God on for bringing his wrath down upon a city so tolerant of sin.
In a strange twist of irony we have learned that Hurricane Gustav is wreaking havoc with the Republican National convention. Today's opening agenda has been scuttled as keynote speakers have cancelled their appearances and the nation's attention is drawn to the Gulf Coast. If we follow the logic that God sends such disasters to punish evil, it begs the question. Why is God upset with the Republicans? After all, the Democratic National Convention went off without a hitch just last week.
I predict that from the same ranks of those who blamed Katrina on God will come statements attributing Gustav to a satanic plot to thwart the "righteousness agenda" of the Republicans.
1 comment:
Glad to see you’re fighting the good fight. I was wondering if I could talk to you over email re: a Kansas-centric event going on in mid-October. Would love for you to be a part of it. Please email me at nic@samadamsalliance.org as soon as you’re able to. Thanks! Keep on blogging.
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