“Agents of intolerance,” is how he labeled such people in his previous presidential bid. Now, in the hopes of shoring up support from the conservative wing of the GOP, we see John McCain cozying up to one of the foremost agents, Pastor John Hagee of Houston. So much for “straight talk.”
Hagee’s intolerance is legendary. Among the things he is noted for is declaring Catholics to be the “Great Harlot” of the Book of Revelation. That is not a new concept invented by Hagee, but he has been especially effective in slamming Catholics via his considerable television and media influence. Standing in front of his mega-congregation with a giant mural depicting his tidy explanation of how he imagines the end times will unfold, he lambasts everyone who sees things differently than he does. Followers consider him to be an authority on a 19th Century theological aberration known as Dispensationism with its emphasis upon a pre-Tribulation rapture of the “true” Church.
He is especially noted as a staunch supporter of the State of Israel. He has been honored in Israel for his support and is regarded by many Jews, such as a leader of the local Jewish Federation with whom I spoke recently, as an ally. Like McCain, they shrug off Hagee’s offensive side in exchange for political clout he brings to the table. I wonder how many of them have considered the anti-Semitic implications of his belief that Jews who fail to convert to Hagee’s Christianity before the rapture deserve to experience God’s wrath in a directed at them world ending holocaust that makes Hitler’s look like a Sunday School picnic?
Lately, Hagee has been making angry speeches calling for the United States to carry out a preemptive military strike against Iran. That’s right; Hagee wants the USA to blow up things and people in Iran. Forget peace making and turning the other cheek as Jesus advocated. “Bomb, bomb, bomb..., bomb, bomb Iran.”
Hagee has declared that Hurricane Katrina was God’s judgment upon New Orleans for the wickedness that resided there. If that is true, then look out Houston! Because I can’t fathom greater wickedness than the bigotry and war mongering that Hagee celebrates in the name of God in Houston.
Politics makes strange bed fellows. We pander to those we need to achieve our ultimate goal. No surprise there. But, is that somehow comparable to 20 years of setting in his pew?
I understand the point, but don't necessarily agree they are comparable.
The important issue should be whether the individual shares the views of their spiritual mentor. Is their message pure, filled with good news, or just a political soap box to spread discord?
It should be no less acceptable regardless of race when words of hatred and condemnation are spewed. Seems both ministers miss the point of loving your neighbor let alone your enemy.
Last time I looked out my window, America was still a pretty good place to live and opportunity abounds, despite the evils of �rich white folk" or rich black folk who continue to propagate segregation of mankind.
Great work.
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